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Every snowflake is exactly alike: They're all conspiring to make you slip. In snowy Utah, paying attention to where you walk can save you from injuring and embarrassing yourself. Here's how:

Resist the temptation to type and walk. If you simply can't put down your phone, stop to take care of business.

When it comes to footwear, function over fashion. Wear boots or shoes with a heavy tread and flat-bottomed sole to maximize foot-to-ground contact.

Don't be too cool for the handrail. Take your time on steps and ramps and hold on when you can.

Slow your roll. No point in hurrying up to wait in that next line.

Watch where you step. Yesterday's wet spot will become today's slippery sheet of ice.

Avoid shortcuts. Blaze your own trail back home, but here in the mountains, follow the road most traveled.

Stick the dismount. Whether you're riding in a Lyft or a limo, be careful getting out of cars and shuttles.

Beyond walking, here are five more ways to take the elements seriously at Sundance Film Festival:

Don't let the altitude win. Out of breath? That's the altitude talking. Other symptoms of altitude sickness include headaches, dizziness, and nausea. Take it easy on your first day in the mountains to acclimate.

Drink plenty of water. High elevation, thin air, and low humidity are a recipe for dehydration. Drink more water than usual鈥攅specially if you consume alcohol.

Take care of your skin. Utah's dry air creates the best snow on Earth. It also means you'll have to slather on the moisturizer and lip balm again, and again, and again.

Dress in layers. One lightweight layer against your skin is key, along with warm middle and outer layers to prepare for the elements. Hats and gloves are also required.

Pay attention to your body. Shivering is normal, but don't be a hero: if it lasts longer than 30 minutes, get inside and warm up.