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Letter of Hope from the Ulrich Group

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Neli Ulrich and lab group

To those affected by cancer,

We in the  can only imagine how hard it must be for patients, along with their caregivers and loved ones, to hear they have cancer. Our shared purpose is to make it so no one has to experience these difficult emotions in the future by researching how to prevent cancer before it happens.

The Ulrich Group focuses on the role genetic and lifestyle factors play in how cancer develops and grows. We use state-of-the-art techniques to measure how genes and the environment affect molecules in the body. Our team researches several factors:

  • Biomarkers (chemicals that may be useful to provide information about the disease)
  • Genetics
  • 亚洲自慰视频 behaviors (such as physical activity and diet)

We also study the effects that energy balance, inflammation, DNA damage, and the nutrient folate may have on cancer.

Most members of our team have had personal experiences with cancer. Some of us have lost loved ones, including parents and grandparents, to cancer, while others have witnessed family and friends become long-term cancer survivors. These individuals and experiences are major motivators for us each and every day. Cancer moves fast, and people like you inspire us to move faster.

Thank you,

The Ulrich Group

Our doctors and researchers are sharing hope with patients and their loved ones. Read more Letters of Hope.

Cancer touches all of us.