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Moran鈥檚 Operation Sight Celebrates World Sight Day Throughout Utah

Two Lives Transformed

Ana Perez, housekeeper and mother of three young 亚洲自慰视频ren, could not see if the windows she was cleaning were really clean; she couldn't see to use her cell phone or to help her daughter with homework, all because of a slowly degenerative cornea. When the pain, itchiness, and discomfort of her eye got so bad, she sought help at Moran. As Ana's vision impairment was seriously affecting her life and she has no insurance, she was able to qualify as candidate for Operation Sight. She was a little nervous before going into surgery, but "Ana's surgery went really well," said Dr. Brian Zaugg, MD. "With a cornea transplant, it takes three months for full vision recovery and will continue to improve through the year."

Rosa Tovar, at 60 years old, had cataracts in both eyes. Despite telling her family, 鈥業 am fine; I am seeing,' Rosa has fallen several times. She could not walk without holding the arm of a helper, could not work, and has burned her arms repeatedly trying to cook. "We had to leave a light on all the time, night and day, to help her see," said her daughter, Angelica. "For eight years, she hasn't been able to see beyond shadows."

Not seeing has been depressing for Rosa, who lives part of the time with Angelica and part with another daughter. Angelica tried applying for a credit card to pay for her mother's cataract surgery, but didn't qualify for enough money to cover the costs. After Angelica was able to get Rosa in to see an ophthalmologist at Moran, she learned that Rosa qualified for Moran's Operation Sight. After her cataract surgery, Rosa wanted to say "Thank you to God and to all of the collaborators for this surgery and for the opportunity to see again."