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Complete Abdominal Ultrasound Exam

For your abdominal ultrasound, we must ask that you have nothing to eat or drink eight hours prior to the exam. It is very important to be properly prepped for an abdominal ultrasound. If you are on any medications, please take them with a small amount of water in the morning.

Female Pelvic Ultrasound Exam

Full bladder for 24 weeks gestation or less

For your pelvic ultrasound, we ask that you finish one quart of fluid (32 oz.) one hour prior to your appointment. Do not empty your bladder after you begin drinking the liquid. This ensures that you will have a full bladder by the time of your appointment. A full bladder is necessary for this exam.

Post Void Residual/Kidney & Bladder Ultrasound

For your kidney and bladder ultrasound, we ask that you finish one quart of fluid (32 oz.) one hour prior to your appointment. Do not empty your bladder after you begin drinking the liquid. This ensures that you will have a full bladder by the time of your appointment. A full bladder is necessary for this exam.

Please call us with any questions; our sonographers will be happy to answer any questions you may have.