La dosis de refuerzo actualizada de COVID-19 est谩 destinada a proporcionar una protecci贸n 贸ptima contra las cepas actuales del virus. Los CDC recomiendan que todo el mundo reciba una dosis...
Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, blood clotting has been identified as a side effect of SARS-CoV-2 and later as an extremely rare side effect of some COVID-19 vaccines...
Nunca es demasiado pronto para empezar a cuidar la salud de su cerebro. Si adopta estos cambios en su estilo de vida, puede mejorar considerablemente su funci贸n cognitiva y su...
It's never too early to start taking care of your brain health. By adopting these lifestyle changes, you can significantly boost your cognitive function and overall well-being as you age.
They say breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but school lunches are especially vital for keeping young learners attentive and energized throughout the day. Here are some...
Septiembre es el Mes Nacional de la Prevenci贸n del Suicidio y un momento para concienciar sobre c贸mo todos podemos contribuir a la prevenci贸n del suicidio. El suicidio es una tragedia...
Perder a un hijo por suicidio es la peor pesadilla de cualquier padre. La mejor prevenci贸n es la comunicaci贸n: descubrir a tiempo que algo va mal y conseguir la ayuda...
Las lesiones en el f煤tbol suelen ser agudas o acumulativas. Las lesiones agudas son traum谩ticas, mientras que las acumulativas son el resultado de una tensi贸n repetitiva sobre un m煤sculo, una...
La polio, o poliomielitis, es una enfermedad causada por el poliovirus que puede tener consecuencias devastadoras si no se vacuna. La enfermedad ha exisitido durante miles de a帽os, pero se...
Polio is a disease caused by the poliovirus that can have devastating consequences if not vaccinated. While the disease was eliminated from the U.S. in 1994, polio recently reemerged in...
Mammography screening is safe for all women who have received a COVID-19 vaccine. Yet women should pay attention to the timing of their COVID-19 vaccine shots and breast cancer screenings.
Soccer injuries are generally either acute or cumulative. Acute injuries are traumatic while cumulative injuries result from repetitive stress on a muscle, joint, or connective tissue trigger that can progressively...
Suicide is a tragedy, but there is hope in the fact that many suicides can be prevented by caring individuals who recognize the red flags indicating that someone may be...
Suicide has been the second leading cause of death for young people ages 10-24 since 2014. The best prevention is communication鈥攆inding out early that something is wrong, and getting your...
El clima abrasador del verano puede afectar a los enfermos de asma m谩s que a otros, lo que se debe a varios factores diferentes. El aire caliente y h煤medo puede...
Scorching summer weather can affect asthma sufferers more than others, which is due to several different factors. Because hot, humid air can cause complications for people with asthma, it's important...
If you're missing a limb, a device called a prosthesis may help you perform daily activities such as walking, eating, or dressing. This kind of artificial limb will allow you...
La Academia Americana de Pediatr铆a recomienda que los beb茅s duerman en la misma habitaci贸n que sus padres al menos durante los seis primeros meses de vida para reducir el riesgo...
If you have steered clear of contact lenses in the past or struggled with dry eye disease, scleral lenses may be the answer. John A. Moran Eye Center contact lens...
La temporada de cosechas est谩 a punto de llegar, trayendo consigo una gran cantidad de frutas y verduras frescas y deliciosas a su pasillo de productos locales. Aqu铆 tiene algunas...
The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends babies to sleep in the same room as their parents for at least the first six months of life to reduce the risk of...
The harvest season is upon us, bringing a bounty of fresh and delicious fruits and veggies to your local produce aisle. Here are some selections to add to your shopping...
驴Se siente a menudo mareado o aturdido cuando est谩 de pie? 驴Parece que esos s铆ntomas desaparecen al sentarse o al acostarse? Estos son dos de los signos m谩s comunes del...