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A Message from Huntsman Cancer Foundation Chairman and CEO

Read Time: 2 minutes
Author: Peter Huntsman 

Photo of Peter Huntsman
Peter Huntsman

The year 2020 will be most remembered in the realm of non-profits as the year that COVID-19 roared and forced us all to envision performing our work in completely new ways. It was a record-setting year for declining donations at non-profits across the nation, and also one for record-setting loss of jobs in the field.

Huntsman Cancer Foundation (HCF) transformed from an in-person workplace to a virtual workplace smoothly and skillfully, and seemingly did not miss a beat. I congratulate the team on a job well done.

Donors continued to give frequently and generously throughout the pandemic, allowing the lifesaving research at Huntsman Cancer Institute to continue. Our stepped in to help, appropriating much-needed funds to purchase lifesaving medical equipment. And HCF secured a loan to sustain continuous operations thanks to the Small Business Administration and aid from the federal government.

I want to personally thank the HCF team for its flexibility, agility, and fortitude in the face of unprecedented circumstances. I thank the caregiving teams and the researchers at Huntsman Cancer Institute for never once pausing in delivering exceptional care and groundbreaking scientific discovery. And as important, I thank our loyal donors who remained dedicated to our goal of eradicating cancer, even as our world worked on the eradication of a new and frightening virus. The Huntsman family continues to garner too much credit and many accolades for its support of Huntsman Cancer Institute. But please know that our family believes the credit must be broadly shared with each of you. Without your support, none of our accomplishments are possible.

Finally, as I write this message, we have just received word that Huntsman Cancer Institute's CEO, Mary Beckerle, PhD, has been named as a member of the prestigious National Academy of Sciences (NAS). Of its more than 2,400 current members, approximately 190 have received a Nobel Prize, according to the NAS. Our heartfelt congratulations, Dr. Beckerle! With our strong fundraising team, our world-class researchers and caregivers, and you, we are on a strong path forward to creating a future free from cancer. Thank you to all for all you do to make this possible.

Cancer touches all of us.